Cultural Resistance: Your Messages and Videos

Inspired by the music, writings, blogging posts and poems by Tibetans in Tibet, that highlight the strength and unity of the Tibetan identity, people from around the world have been paying homage to the courage of these artists, with written and recorded messages to demonstrate their support. By celebrating the cultural resistance of Tibetans in Tibet, you will help ensure their voices are amplified, and their message reaches a wider audience.

If you love Tibetan Cultural Resistance please add your message here. Why not record a short video message, reading an extract from the lyrics or poetry you can find on this website? Simply embed your personal video message or write a text message in the box below. (Please note, your message won’t appear on the site immediately as it requires website administrator authorisation before it is published.)

Note: If you are submitting a video embed, please email the embed code to

92 thoughts on “Cultural Resistance: Your Messages and Videos

  1. The diverse and powerful music and writings on this website are truly inspirational, and I salute the courage of everyone who stands up to tyranny with such creative expressions of Tibetan-ness.

  2. Posiblemente al gobierno chino no le importe ser recordado como una vergüenza para la humanidad, no solo por sus mismos gobernados quienes tarde o temprano sabrán la verdad (como ocurrió con Stalin), sino por el resto del mundo, pero al resto de la humanidad (de la cual ustedes están claramente distanciados) si nos importa proteger la importante y hermosa tradición tibetana.

    Es una vergüenza que lo único que los mueve a para hacer semejante atrocidad es la codicia, y peor aún, que no se den cuenta de que los resultados que están obteniendo son y serán contraproducentes ara ustedes mismos.

    Paren este crimen



  5. Lo único que puedo decir es que no deseo ver lo que el pueblo chino tendrá que sufrir por lo errores de sus gobernantes. La cultura tibetana no morirá pues su pueblo la mantiene viva fuera y dentro del Tibet gracias a ella misma que les da fortaleza y sabiduría. El mundo no puede mantenerse ciego a esto y yo tampoco. Gracias Tibet por no caer, el mundo está presente y no te olvida nunca.

  6. To suppress a people and their culture and rob them of their resources in Tibet and anywhere else in the world is a barbaric criminal act and it must stop! Peace and diversity in harmony with nature is the only viable future for the planet – for Tibet and for everyone.

  7. I love Tibet, its culture that includes beautiful artwork, song, dance, and religious beliefs. Tibet is NOT, never has been, and should not be considered to be just another part of China. I am appalled at the atrocities China has inflicted upon the people of Tibet from the thousands of killings and imprisonments to displacing its citizens. I am further outraged at the rape of Tibet’s natural resources such as it timber and valuable minerals; and China’s destruction of the land by building ill-advised, poorly engineered and constructed dams, which have led to the recent landslides that killed and displaced so many.

    China should know that the rest of the world takes a very dim view of their actions, and they are rapidly losing face.

  8. The Communist Party of China is not only destroying the innocent and compassionate culture of Tibet, but also the nation of China. The Communist Party of China is a demon, but there are ways to dispose of even those. We must begin by applying financial pressure to Chinese corporations and international corporations who manufacture products in China. When (Not If) enough people join in this movement, China will be forced to come to terms, and at least grant Tibet their basic human freedoms, if not autonomy or independence.

  9. The sacrifices of the Tibet Nuns and Monks cannot be respected and highlighted enough. They are always up front with the truth in their hearts ! Their bravery is simply amazing and we, in the free world, must use our freedom more to show our solidarity with and our love and respect for them !

  10. How can I be free while you are not! how can I be safe while you are not! I stand fast with the People of TIBET, I hold true with the People of Tibet! ☼☼☼

  11. China’s repression of Tibet and denying the Tibetan people their right to self-determination and cultural expression is not going unnoticed. The movement is growing and we will win!!

  12. La retribucion moral de las acciones no falla, tarde o temprano se te regresa lo que hiciste en el pasado, por lo tanto cuida mucho tu accion presente, solo esta definira tu futuro.

  13. China Go Home …You are arrogant and you will not prevail against civilised,peace loving ,respectful FREE peoples and people like the TIBETANS who cherish freedom and tolerance and mutual respect.Your own great peace loving philosophers like CONFUCIUS.LAO TZU and your own BRAVE CITIZENS calling for freedom in China put you,the illegitimate tyrants of the communist party,to SHAME.SEE what is happening around the world….TUNISIA is a good example at the moment.All peoiple want and deserve respect and the freedom to live their own way.Start showing humanity to TIBET and to your own people.Ihope you are listening to us the ordinary PEOPLE …

  14. Todays world is now more than ever in Great need of the shining beacon that was Tibet, her people, and her philosophy. The grace of the Tibetan people has touched so many so deeply, yet has come to tragedy. The Chinese government has become like that of hungry ghosts feeding their bottomless bellies by feasting endlessly on everything they can sense. Stealing and consuming, yet finding themselves no more satiated, the farther in their greedy mission to take over Tibet, the more greedy they become.They become more and more desparate at trying to cover up the Truth of His Holiness’s mesaage with their lies and deception pouring from their seething and untamed tounges. But compassion will melt away all illusions and the truth will prevail and through the goodness, loving kindness and courage and endless devotion of its people, Tibet will return. I praise the artists here for their bravery and wish for all of you to stand strong. Free Tibet

  15. You are an inspiration for many of us who live in violent countries like me in México, knowing that you are a demonstration of courage, love, and noviolence is awsome inspiring, defend the culture above an invasor who wants to fit tibetan culture to their “needs” without have the same power and for almost 60 years is evocative.

    Go ahead with your fight, you are not alone, many of us in different part of the world pray, and support you, this is temporary and will end sooner or later, and we hope and pray for that, for the best to everyone, including the Chinese goverment.

    Free Tibet!

  16. My heart and admiration is with the Tibetan people!!! You are a true inspiration for us all! Maintain a brave and happy heart. Congratulations in this new year!

  17. Hermanos, admiro mucho la fortaleza del pueblo tibetano que, aún teniendo una fuerza coercitiva pretendiendo romper su espíritu, siguen rectos en su camino.

    Desde México nos enteramos de estos sucesos, y somos muchos los que respaldamos la liberación del pueblo tibetano. Mantener el espíritu hermanos, que ninguna tiranía dura para siempre. Que sea el amor del mundo el que los impulse.

    Que se escuche en México, y en TODO el mundo:

  18. Free Tibet NOW!!!!
    Brothers and sisters resist, refuse and never give up, it should not be long before you have your country back, I love Tibet

  19. A nuestros valientes y perserverantes hermanos Tibetanos les envío desde la Ciudad de México un mensaje de aliento y paz. Son la luz del mundo y los que tenemos la dicha de apreciar su valor nos unimos permanentemente a su reclamo pacífico: Liberen al Tibet!

  20. May the people that keeps your country suffering, see the mistake and change freeing itself, freeing their country, and freeing Tibet.

  21. Thank you very much for being an example of inspiration for many cultures and peoples who are being oppressed. We pray and ask all spiritual beings for you, for they are safe and culture prevail for much longer. the domain of a cruel and ruthless government will end soon for you and thanks for such beautiful spiritual teachings to his people managed to preserve. I send a big hug


  22. With all my heart, I hope you get back very soon your country, your land…before its too late and more damage is made to it. We the whole world need the tibetants to protect that land….to make sure, your culture last as long as possible. Best wishes from Cancun, México

  23. Keep the faith and be strong, before we see the rainbow we have to see the storm.
    I know that really soon you’ll be free, just be strong ^_^
    Greetings from Mexico

  24. May 2138 bring positive developments on the path to your deserved freedom! Wishing all Tibetans inside and outside Tibet a peaceful and prosperous year!
    FREE TIBET!!!!!

  25. Cultura Tibetana, una de las más hermosas del mundo, fuente de inspiración para varios, este tipo de patrimonios no se pueden perder, se tienen que conservar y difundir, es importante apoyar causas como esta.

  26. El Tibet es un pueblo humilde, sabio y generoso que merece su libertad, un abrazo solidario para esta cultura hermana. Por un Tibet Libre y Autònomo..!!!

  27. Thanks for keeping and giving to the world your culture and special the science of happiness and the end of suffering, be strong, I hope Tibet could be free!
    I want to go there!, I do prayers for all the tibetan people! OHM MANI PADME HUM,
    Remember the Impermanence, the nature of th emind, be brave, hugs and all my good merit for you!


  28. Que nunca se olvide el sacrificio de miles de tibetanos que fueron masacrados por la dictadura comunista china, por todo su sufrimiento innecesario.
    Por los que murieron al intentar huir, por los que lo consiguieron y ahora son apátridas y por los muchos que no pudieron ni intentarlo.
    TIBET LIBRE YA !!!!!!

  29. tibet, we love you, the people of tibet are an inspiration for all the world, even those who can not see and can not hear your wisdom. Best wishes from Mexico!!

  30. Queridos hermanos tibetanos:
    Podrán intentar reprimirlos en muchos aspectos, pero algo que jamás podrán limitar es la naturaleza de la mente.
    Les envío bendiciones, amor, y rezo porque ante estas circunstancias adversas mantengan la práctica viva en sus corazones.
    Recuerden que personas de todo el mundo los apoyamos y queremos.
    TIBET LIBRE!!!!!!
    Besos desde México!!

  31. Queridos hermanos tibetanos:
    Podrán intentar reprimirlos en muchos aspectos, pero algo que jamás lograrán limitar es la naturaleza de la mente!!
    Desde México les envío bendiciones, amor, y rezo porque siempre mantengan la práctica viva en sus corazones.
    Recuerden que personas de todo el mundo los apoya y los quiere.
    TIBET LIBRE!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Best wishes in this new year’s Tibetan celebration. Greetings from a Mexican Psychology Student in Canada that was inspired to pursue that second undergrad inspired by the Buddha teachings imparted in Casa Tibet Mexico by Tony Karam-La. Quoting HH the Dalai Lama “non-violence takes time”, it’s been decades so far for the oppressed Tibetan people, among many other minorities under the totalitarian, communist, bloody Chinese regime. But violence, intolerance, greed, ignorance, and indifference have spread and grown all over the world. There seems to be only a handful of us who still care about being compasionate towards ourselves, towards others, towards all sentient beings. But here we are, still standing, side-by-side with the Tibetans and they’re wonderful peace-loving culture. I yearn for the they we all get to realize we’re all connected, we’re all one, and that we share the same little rock in the universe we call earth. I yearn for the day we all realize we are more alike than we are different; social and economic status, religion, nationalities, they’re all but mental/human constructs that do not reflect reality and do not let us perceive reality as it truly exists. We’re citizens of the world, and we all share the very same limited space and resorces with all the other living things that make possible sustain our cherished human life on this planet.

    Happy 2,138th Losar, Tibet and it’s people completed their 2,138th trip around the sun, and it’s still here, and it is here to stay. Now, more than ever, we need to follow and spread the example the Tibetan civilization have set to the entire human race for so long. We must not fail at this task, or talking about the future of intelligent life on this earth will be nothing but a distant, fading dream. For more than 10K years civilizations had spawned in every corner of this world. We’ve never been so connected and the world never seemed so small thanks to science and technology; yet, we’ve never been so unaware and so disconnected from ourselves and from each other. Thanks Tibet for preserving the Buddha’s techings for so long so we’re aware that the answer to succesfully conquer all our current challenges rely in cultivating wisdom in oneself, follow the middle way, and dedicate our merit to the liberation and happiness of all sentient beings.

    Let us hope that is not too late. Let us hope that ignorance will be defeated. Let us hope that there’ll be enough of us to carry on with social, spiritual, scientific, and technological development and evolution. Let us hope the Samsara will not hold us back and extinguish our unique and priceless potential. Let us hope tyran governments and wicked regimes will not last and people will have the honest movitation to seek social justice, human rights and equality. Let us hope the Buddha’s teachings will not be lost or perverted during this turmoil. Let us hope that reasons to remain hopeful will prevail.

    With all my loving and mindful heart,

    Sarahi Avelar

  33. Envío una abrazo a todos los Tibetanos del mundo y mi agradecimiento por compartirnos una cultura de paz y sabiduría… FREE TIBET… ON MANI PADME HUM

  34. Tibet FREE!!!!!!!

    El mayor deseo de libertad para los hermanos tibetanos, que toda la Luz, la Fuerza de Espiritu y el AMOR, los acompañen hasta que muy pronto llegue el dia en que sean completamente LIBRES!!!!! LUZ,LUZ, LUZ

  35. Hermanos tibetanos

    Gracias por compartirnos su sabiduria. Estan en nuestras oraciones para que encuentren la Libertad

    Un abrazo

  36. I am very grateful to the people of tibet because you give me buddhism teachings.
    You are not alone, you are showing your strength and wisdom to the rest of the world!!!

  37. I am very grateful with people of tibet because you give me hope and buddhism.
    You are a wonderful nation and your strength is beyond any limit.
    I love tibet

  38. Best wishes in this New Year’s Tibetan celebration. Greetings from a Mexican Psychology Student in Canada that was inspired to pursue her second undergrad inspired by the Buddha teachings imparted in Casa Tibet Mexico by Tony Karam La.

    Quoting HH the Dalai Lama “non-violence takes time.” It’s been decades for the oppressed Tibetan people so far, among many other minorities under the totalitarian, communist, bloody Chinese regime. But violence, intolerance, greed, ignorance, and indifference have spread and grown all over the world. There seems to be only a handful of us who still care about being compassionate towards ourselves, towards others, and towards all sentient beings. But here we are, still standing, side-by-side with the Tibetans and they’re wonderful peace-loving culture. I yearn for the day we all get to realize we’re all connected, we’re all one, and that we share the same little rock we call earth in this universe. I yearn for the day we all realize we are more alike than we are different: social and economic status, religion, nationalities, they’re all but mental/human constructs that do not reflect or explain reality, and do not let us perceive it as it truly exists. We’re citizens of the world, and we all share the very same limited space and resources with all the other living things that make possible sustain our cherished human life on this planet.

    Happy 2,138th Losar! Tibet and its people completed their 2,138th trip around the sun, and they’re still here, and it is here to stay. Now, more than ever, we need to follow and spread the example the Tibetan civilization have set to the entire human race for so long now. We must not fail at this task, or talking about the future of intelligent life on this earth will be nothing but a distant, fading dream. For more than 10 thousand years civilizations had spawned in every corner of this world. Never before we’ve been so connected and the world never seemed so small thanks to science and technology. Yet, we’ve never been so unaware and so disconnected from ourselves, and from each other. Thanks Tibet for preserving the Buddha’s teachings for so long so we’re aware that the answer to successfully conquer all our current challenges rely in cultivating wisdom in oneself, follow the middle way, and dedicate our merit to the liberation and happiness of all sentient beings.

    Let us hope that is not too late. Let us hope that ignorance will be defeated. Let us hope that there’ll be enough of us to carry on with social, spiritual, scientific, and technological development and evolution. Let us hope the Samsara will not hold us back and extinguish our unique and priceless potential. Let us hope tyrant governments and wicked regimes will not last and people will have the honest motivation to seek social justice, human rights, and equality. Let us hope the Buddha’s teachings will not be lost or perverted during the turmoil of current times. Let us hope that reasons to remain hopeful will prevail.

    Tons of love and light!!!

    Sarahi Avelar

  39. For Losar 2011, I wish a happy new year to all tibetans, in Tibet and in exile.
    I share your pain and your hope.

  40. All the wishes for Tibet from Paraguay un pais tan desdichado. Ahora quizas tambien podemos, como pueblu tibetano, apoyar la resistencia del pueblo el Lybia….
    Con paz para todos..

  41. Homage to the Tibetan people in TIBET and the world, who against all the barriers are still fighting to overcome all obstacles and survive. I make prayers so they all succeed and we can still learn, enjoy and share this amazing legacy that is Tibetan Culture… MAY YOU Achieve all you want and deserve in no time my Tibetan FRIENDS and FAMILY!! Happy iron rabbit LOSAR!!

  42. Nuestras plegarias para que Tibet pueda pronto recuperar su libertad! Mucho amor para este y todos los tiempos ♥

  43. Hermanos Tibetanos, lo mejor de mis deseos y uno mis oraciones para que puedan festejar un año nuevo (LOSAR) lleno de Paz, Unión y que el Universo les de la Armonia que su pueblo necesita. Mi corazon esta con ustedes!!
    Desde Mexico les envio un mis plegarias!!
    Happy Lossar!! I LOVE TIBET!!

  44. More and more people are learning to love and care about Tibet. I feel a lot of admiration and respect for you. This year I learned a lot of things about your culture and I am very graceful for learning and practicing buddhism.
    We are praying for you all. You are becoming the teachers of the world.

  45. Queridos y queridas hermanos y hermanas del Tibet, en este nuevo año que están pronto a comenzar reciban mi plegarias y bendiciones para que la energía del amor les ayude a sobre llevar la dura realidad que le toca vivir al pueblo tibetano.

  46. Que Tibet se escriba dentro de todas las agendas políticas, que al mundo no se nos olviden los Tibetanos y su maravilloso legado, que pronto Tibet festeje un año de AUTONOMIA.
    I love Tibetan Cultural Resistance

  47. Puedan en Tibet pronto darse todas las condiciones para que los tibetanos vivan felices en su propia tierra y que pueda conservarse su valioso legado para la humanidad el Budadharma. Y también puedan darse las condiciones para que aquellos tibetanos que se encuentran fuera de Tibet puedan volver libremente a su tierra y ver a sus familias.

  48. Hi friends!

    Happy Losar! We send our greetings from Mexico…keep the good job, teaching us the importance of staying together as a country!

  49. Que todo ser viviente pueda vivir en paz, sin sufrimiento y libre de todas afliciones en cualquier lugar en que se encuentre, que todos podamos lograr hacer algo para el bienestar de otro ser, que todo odio cese y que la compasion se adueñe de todos nosotros, que la humanidad entera pueda finalmente entender que el pueblo Tibetano tiene derecho a tener autonomia.

  50. Wishing a more fruitful new year, LOSAR, for our Tibetan cause in pro of Tibetan human rights and better living conditions to all Tibetan within Tibet. All the love of a Costa Rican support group. Lupita Gonzalez

  51. Dear Dharma friends:
    My best wishes for all of you are that if you cannot sustain your country: TIBET you
    would find the support and new ways to sustain and maintain your Tibetal Culture
    outside Tibet and I dream that soonner or later you will return home…

  52. Tashi Delek…
    Wishing for the soon freedom of Tibet!!!!
    All my love, respect and good wishes for Tibetan people

  53. Tibet is a part of me, a part of you…a part of all of us! Let´s join our hearts, our minds and our strengths, so that they could live and feel FREEDOM. You make me a better person every day. My admiration and efforts will never end. So, let´s all engrave in our hearts the words “FREE TIBET”

  54. Dear sisters and brothers:
    I send you all my love and courage to stand tall. I’m so thankful for having had the Karma to encounter once again, the Dharma in this life. I want you all to return swiftly to your land, to your homes, to your families.
    On this side of the world _Mexico_ we will continue to support your just and fair cause.
    Happy Losar to you all!!!

  55. !!!!! TIBET LIBRE , TIBET LIBRE , TIBET LIBRE !!!!!!!!
    Les mando un gran abrazo y todas las bendiciones para que logren alcanzar las causas y condiciones para verse libres de todo sufrimiento..

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tashi delek !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  56. As it seems, we are far from seeing improvements in the situation of Tibet and Tibetans in Tibet. On the contrary. The current economic cycle, with all it’s other implications, clearly points for an important role of China in the international scene. For that reason, it is very important not to stop speaking up for Tibet, informing people, denouncing injustices. In the end, Tibet and it’s culture of peace will prevail.

  57. Na voragem da ignorância (Avidyâ), um abraço fraterno a todo o povo do Tibet! Manter acesa a chama de Shunyata e Karuna é um ethos que permite (re)colocar o homem no seu devido patamar de consciência. A Paz constrói-se lentamente, fundada no diálogo entre os homens que vêem no outro o seu Irmão, apesar de este o ter esquecido.
    OBRIGADA, Terras de LHA-SA!

  58. A tribute to all courageous Tibetans that through various means – lyrics, writtings, posts in bloggs and poems – show the world that Tibetans have their own unique culture and traditions, despite harmful consequences that cultural expression might entail.
    They show us that Tibet is Tibet, and not to be included in the “motherland” as claimed by chinese authorities.

  59. aunque naci en la antipoda de la meseta tibetana, siento que mi corazon pertenece a mi amado Tibet, tengo el presentimiento de que ese es mi territorio, tengo la conviccion de renacer nuevamente ahi donde florece el sagrado Dharma, no importa el sufrimiento que pudiera padecer si las condiciones actuales no mejoran, sere uno mas de ustedes. tengo un corazon guerrero, valiente como ustedes, animo hermanos mios, los amo profundamente.

  60. Tensin deberia llamarme, tsampa deberia tomar, rostro tibetano deberia tener, en Tibet deberia vivir con todo lo que ello implica, no comprendo porque extraño tanto esa tierra que no conozco (al menos en esta vida). algo debo de hacer para volver ahi, no se preocupen hermanos tibetanos, su raza y su cultura, que tambien es la mia, prevalecera.


  61. I wonder do we all know where we belong?
    And, if you do, in our hearts
    Why do we so often, do nothing about it!
    There must be more then this life, a purpose for us all.
    A place to belong. You are my home.

    I Love Tibet
    <3 _/|_ <3

  62. I send my best wishes to all Tibetan people everywhere, and especially in China. Keep up the struggle for freedom. Happy Losar!

  63. I fully support and encourage cultural resurgence and resistence in Tibet. It’s a way of creating a form of resistance and ensuring the maintenance and development of Tibetan identity. Tibet and Tibetans are in my prayers. Freedom will come. I’m confident and have Faith.

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